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Legacy Builders Campaign


The Legacy Builders Campaign was created to bring awareness to youth in the community, ideally to target audiences of  high school students grades  9-12th. We want to help to prepare them to make a positive impact in and around their community. It is our job (parents, teachers, professional workers, entrepreneurs, politicians and public figures, celebrities, and many more) to help shape our youth to start their legacy.

By doing so we will help them to find their purpose and start working towards building their legacy, when a student graduate from high school we want to make sure every students has a options for greatness which includes:


  • College

  • Workforce

  • Trade School

  • Military

  • Entrepreneurship


Also this Campaign will target adults to make sure that we all are on the right path to leaving a positive legacy behind, we have 3 questions for our adults:

  1. What positive impact you have on your community?

  2. What legacy you will leave behind that will impact generations? example: (My legacy that I will leave behind that will impact generations will be my"movement")

  3. What steps are you taking towards your legacy?


How can you help:


  •  Take the pledge  

  • Do a short video answering the questions above in upload it on any of our social media (facebook, instragram and website)

  • Use tweet, instagram, or facebook and use the hashtags:  #aacp1 #legacybuilderscampaign. Take a photo with a sign stating "I'm a Legacy Builder - Join the movement."

  • Purchase any of our Legacy Builders apparel campaign and scholarship program)

  • Donate

  • Become a sponsor

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